Bullying in work, bullying in school, bullying at home; it's something that we've all been witness to, or a part of. Bullying can have significant negative effects on our mental health and our confidence.
Have you witnessed someone being bullied recently?
Are you the bully?
Maybe you're the person on the receiving end?
Perhaps you stand beside the bully and laugh along?
We need to take responsibility for our actions and think about how our actions affect others.
Here's a useful resource written by schooldays.ie for parents to spot the signs of bullying in children. http://www.schooldays.ie/articles/Signs-of-bullying-in-your-child-or-teenager
Anchor Therapy can support you if you've been bullied and it's affected your mental health. Drop us an email or text or maybe give us a call to learn more. We're here to help :)